What to do about lead in your drinkiung water

Here is what the Canadian Water Quality Association has to say about lead in drinking water.

Lead rarely occurs naturally in water. Lead contamination can enter the drinking water supply at any point in the water delivery system and commonly occurs through leaching from old lead service connections, pipes or lead solder in pipes in older homes and communities. Definition Lead is a metal that has historically been used in the plumbing and[…]

Do you need a water filter in your home from Eagle?

Why you should consider installing a water filtration system in your home?

If you’ve ever turned on the tap and wondered about the quality of the water coming out, you can be reasonably confident it’s been thoroughly tested before it reaches your tap, but is it good enough to drink? Safe drinking water requires additives you can often smell or taste, such as chlorine, a disinfectant widely[…]

Life changing reasons why we need to drink more water.

  Has it occurred to you today that you are thirsty? By the time you experience the sensation of the thirst, you are already dehydrated. That thirst is your body calling for re-hydration. When we are dehydrated we are affecting the performance of the majority of our body. Nearly all of our systems do not function as[…]

drink more water will improve your health Eagle

The top reasons to increase your water intake and improve your overall health.

If you suffer from fatigue, confusion, memory loss, dizziness, dry and wrinkled skin, brittle hair and nails, cold fingers and toes, constipation, eczema, headaches, urinary tract infections, and muscle pains, this suggests you may be dehydrated.  If you lack water, your body will try to get moisture from any liquid source in your system. It will[…]

Happy Eagle customer from Brampton Ontario

Installing a water filtration system can save you up to 75% savings on soap and lotions.

Installing a water filtration system or a whole home water softener can save you money. Soft water makes household cleaners work harder, rinse cleaner and perform better. Dishes, glasses and utensils dry sparkling clean and spot free. Thousands of households suffer from water problems that can easily be corrected, such as iron, sulfur (egg odor),[…]

top reasons to choose Eagle Industries Corp

The top 3 reasons why customers choose Eagle Industries Corp.

For many years families have turned to Eagle Industries Corp for the purchase and installation of their water treatment system. We here at Eagle have surveyed our customers and they have told us why they decided after thorough research to use our services. We took all of this customer feedback and sorted the comments and[…]

Be aware of what is in your water - stop fluoride

Why are we permitting fluoride in our drinking water?

There has been a recent growing concern over sodium fluoride being added to our water supply. Now a report has just been released by one of the world’s most respected medical journals, The Lancet. This publication has officially released an official document classifying fluoride as a neurotoxin. This places fluoride in the same category as[…]

fresh water in our world - gold water group

Chemicals found in our fresh drinking water supply that have unknown affects to our health.

The world has a problem with pollution and it has made its way into our drinking water. It used to be pollution from the effects of Industrial pollution but now we have a new concern, tiny amounts of chemicals which have leached into our drinking water supply from pharmaceuticals, fertilizers and day to day contaminants.[…]

Sink holes and safe water supply from Eagle Industries Corp

Can sink holes affect our drinking water supply?

According to the on line encyclopedia Wikipedia, a sink hole “is a depression or hole in the ground caused by some form of collapse of the surface layer. Some are caused by karst processes—for example, the chemical dissolution of carbonate rocks or suffosion processes. Sinkholes vary in size from 1 to 600 m (3.3 to[…]

eagle Industries corp water bottle bacteria

Germs lurking in that old plastic water bottle!

It is a good thing that you are now starting to actually drink more water but be careful about refilling that old used water bottle. A new study shows that you have to be careful about the water you’re drinking and were it is stored. The germs in a reusable water bottle are similar to[…]

Eagle Industries Corp is proud to support our community

Eagle Industries Corp is proud of our community involvement.

With our thousands of satisfied customers across the province we are proud to be able to give back to our community. Supporting those less fortunate who are in a time of need is what it is about to support and “give back” to our community that we are so proud to be a part of.[…]

top reasons to choose Eagle Industries Corp

Eagle Industries Corp has the right water treatment products for the right job.

Eagle Industries Corp is a proud supplier of Canada’s top of the line water purification for the entire home and point of use water treatment. Our broad portfolio, which incorporates the trusted Eagle Water Treatment Systems product offering, is intended to meet your most thorough requests for any water application and give you access to[…]

Eagle Industries Corp 1 glass of water before going to bed - avoids stroke or heart attack

Heart attacks and drinking more water, what you need to know.

How many folks do you know who say they don’t want to drink anything before going to bed because they’ll have to get up during the night. We asked a local Doctor why do people need to urinate so much at night time? A local Cardiac Doctor replied…. “Gravity holds water in the lower part[…]

Our fully trained Eagle installers

Installation Excellence with Eagle Industries Corp in Mississauga Ontario.

Getting the best water treatment system for your home or business is of course essential but to get the most out of your investment, it all comes down to proper installation. With Eagle Industries Corp you don’t have to search high and low for the best installers because we’ve already done that for you. We’ve[…]

At Eagle Industries Corp you will taste the difference

A Canadian study found that plastic bottles leach chemicals into the water they contain.

As the poet W.H. Auden put it, “Thousands have lived without love, not one without water.” One of the main reasons water is so critical to life processes is that it is the ideal vehicle for transporting critical substances in and out of living cells. “The way they’re bonded together makes water this wonderful universal[…]

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