Be aware of what is in your water - stop fluoride

Why are we permitting fluoride in our drinking water?

There has been a recent growing concern over sodium fluoride being added to our water supply. Now a report has just been released by one of the world’s most respected medical journals, The Lancet. This publication has officially released an official document classifying fluoride as a neurotoxin. This places fluoride in the same category as[…]

fresh water in our world - gold water group

Chemicals found in our fresh drinking water supply that have unknown affects to our health.

The world has a problem with pollution and it has made its way into our drinking water. It used to be pollution from the effects of Industrial pollution but now we have a new concern, tiny amounts of chemicals which have leached into our drinking water supply from pharmaceuticals, fertilizers and day to day contaminants.[…]

Sink holes and safe water supply from Eagle Industries Corp

Can sink holes affect our drinking water supply?

According to the on line encyclopedia Wikipedia, a sink hole “is a depression or hole in the ground caused by some form of collapse of the surface layer. Some are caused by karst processes—for example, the chemical dissolution of carbonate rocks or suffosion processes. Sinkholes vary in size from 1 to 600 m (3.3 to[…]

eagle Industries corp water bottle bacteria

Germs lurking in that old plastic water bottle!

It is a good thing that you are now starting to actually drink more water but be careful about refilling that old used water bottle. A new study shows that you have to be careful about the water you’re drinking and were it is stored. The germs in a reusable water bottle are similar to[…]

Eagle Industries Corp is proud to support our community

Eagle Industries Corp is proud of our community involvement.

With our thousands of satisfied customers across the province we are proud to be able to give back to our community. Supporting those less fortunate who are in a time of need is what it is about to support and “give back” to our community that we are so proud to be a part of.[…]

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