Be aware of what is in your water - stop fluoride

Why are we permitting fluoride in our drinking water?

There has been a recent growing concern over sodium fluoride being added to our water supply. Now a report has just been released by one of the world’s most respected medical journals, The Lancet. This publication has officially released an official document classifying fluoride as a neurotoxin. This places fluoride in the same category as[…]

top reasons to choose Eagle Industries Corp

Eagle Industries Corp has the right water treatment products for the right job.

Eagle Industries Corp is a proud supplier of Canada’s top of the line water purification for the entire home and point of use water treatment. Our broad portfolio, which incorporates the trusted Eagle Water Treatment Systems product offering, is intended to meet your most thorough requests for any water application and give you access to[…]

Eagle Industries provides whole home water treatment.

Eagle Industries Corp agrees… “Water is the most powerful healing substance!”

The human body is primarily composed of water. Water is not only beneficial but also vital to life, only oxygen is more important to human survival. Water plays a huge role in how well our body functions. The more clean water we drink, the healthier we become. Water increases not only the quality but also[…]

Reliable Professional Eagle Equipment

Problem water is no problem with the Eagle Platinum Backwashing Filters.

You to can experience clean, clear, colour-free water for your home or business. You will immediately see and feel the difference a whole home water filtration system makes to the quality of your water and the quality of your life. Problem water is no problem with our full line of Eagle Platinum Backwashing Filters. Eliminate iron,[…]

hard working installation team at Eagle

At Eagle Industries Corp our dedicated installation team will do everything to make the whole process easy and enjoyable.

Getting the best water treatment system for your home or business is of course essential but to get the most out of your investment, it all comes down to proper installation. With Eagle Industries Corp you don’t have to search high and low for the best installers because we’ve already done that for you. We’ve[…]

Eagle Industries Corp tannin removal unit

Eagle Industries Asks “Is There Tannin in Your Water?”

What are Tannins?Tannins create a light yellow to dark brown discoloration in the water. Tannins are dissolved decayed organic matter found in surface water such as shallow wells, lakes and streams. Tannin produces a yellow or tea colour in water which makes it aesthetically unappealing. Although tannin isn’t a direct health risk, it negatively impact[…]

Remove your anxiety about water from Eagle Industries Corp

Eagle Industries Corp. Agrees Dehydration May Cause Anxiety

​Many things can contribute to anxiety symptoms. In order to effectively cure your anxiety, you need to make sure you’re avoiding anything that may contribute to the development of anxiety symptoms.Make sure that you’re drinking enough water. Dehydration rarely causes anxiety on its own, but if you’re not drinking enough water you may be putting[…]

Eagle Industries Corp CW698 water cooler

Eagle Industries’ Bottleless Water Cooler

​A Reverse Osmosis Drinking Water System for the office, business, and even your home.CW-698 Free Standing R.O. SystemIt is our pleasure to introduce you to our water distributor that can be installed in an office, an industry or even your home. With an electronic control to distribute cold and hot water 24 hours per day,[…]

Drink lots of water when you are sick Eagle Industries Corp

Why Water is Important When You’re Sick

​Eagle Industries Corp. has several reasons may be given for why drinking plenty of water is a good idea when you’re sick, all of which relate to the prevention of dehydration.Daily IntakeTo meet your daily requirements, shoot for a minimum of approximately one gallon of water a day if you’re a man, and roughly three[…]

The benfits are clear when you purchase a water system from Eagle Industries Corp

Eagle Industries’ Conditioned Water

  Having conditioned water reduces the amount of soap you use by 70%. It also delivers greater washing power and protects your appliances! Conditioned water helps your clothes last longer, feel fresher, cleaner, and softer with no fading. With conditioned water you’ll use less cleaning supplies. Hard water breaks down those cleaning chemicals making them[…]

Eagle Industries Corp clean water for your children

Keep Your Children Hydrated This Summer

​What’s the best drink to quench a thirst? Water! Eagle Industries Corp. has all the solutions you need.Fruit juice, which contains Vitamin C, is often seen as a healthy drink choice. However, fruit juices are high in sugar, just like fruit drinks, flavoured mineral water, energy drinks and soft drinks. A 250ml cup of apple[…]

Eagle Industries Corp plastic island oceans are a mess

Eagle Industries Corp. is appalled by Plastic Island

​ In 1997, Capt. Charles Moore was guiding his boat through the doldrums when he noticed some plastic debris floating in the water.Though it didn’t seem like an overwhelming amount of trash, he recorded log entries noting the debris in the water. Toothbrushes, bottle caps, eel traps, floating nets, soap bottles, and the list goes[…]

Which is best? Tap water, bottled water or filtered water?

​Eagle Industries Corp. knows that the importance about health and safety leads us to spend a lot of money each year on bottled water, and water purifying systems. Here are some pros and cons on tap water, bottled water and filtered water:Tap waterPro: Tap water in Canada is tightly regulated by the provinces and territories.Pro:[…]

Life Hacks to Drinking More Water

Most of us are well aware of the importance of being hydrated, but sometimes drinking plain water is just too boring. Here are 20 hydrating tips from Eagle Industries Corp. for drinking more water everyday. ​When you feel thirsty, grab a glass of water.Drink water with all your meals.‪Stop drinking everything except water – the[…]

Eagle Industries’ 6 Favorite Fun Water Games for Summer

​Ping-Pong Float an inner tube in the center of the pool, then toss a bunch of ping-pong balls in. Have all the kids jump in, retrieve the balls, and try to toss them in the tube.Fill The Bucket Give your kids two buckets, one full of water and one empty, and a sponge. Get them[…]

Here’s is what our customers are saying !

Ever wonder what other people are saying about Eagle Industries Corp. Well don’t take our word for it, read below what many happy customers are saying. July 11, 2015 “I recommend any and all people to invest in this water system as I believe it is a major essential for overall general health. I can’t[…]

You can control your allergies by filtering your tap water.

People with asthma and allergies can control their home environment even more by filtering chlorine and fluoride out of their tap water, allowing everyone to breathe easier. This is easily done for drinking water, but what about for our showers and baths? There are shower filters in the market that will reduce the amount of[…]

Bottled water is bad for our environment eagle industries corp

Eagle Water Treatment convention in Quebec City a huge success for Eagle Industries Corp

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hard water deposits eagle industries corp

Hard water is destroying your hot water tank.

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