Eagle Industries Corp. Suggests Reverse Osmosis Water for Your Babies Formula


If you have decided to feed your baby formula, you might be uncertain about what kind of water to mix with the baby formula. The chemicals and minerals that are often found in our usual drinking water might not be right for your baby at such a young age. Here are a few guidelines that can help ensure your baby stays happy and healthy while drinking formula.

What Kind of Water to Use with Baby Formula

Are you on a public water system? You can check your local water utility for information on the fluoride in the water. If the water contains substantial natural fluoride, it might be a good idea to use water from a different source at least for the first few months.

Recommended Water Sources

Types Descriptions
Bottled water just for babies Some companies produce water that is designed to be used with baby formula. This water follows much stricter guidelines than other water sources, and is approved by the Environmental Protection Agency.
Purified water Purifying the water by reverse osmosis is the best way of getting rid of contaminants that may be in your water. This being the healthiest option for you baby.

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Water to Avoid

There are definitely some water sources you should always avoid when making your baby’s formula.

  • Well water
  • Water containing high-levels of fluoride
  • Carbonated water
  • Mineral water

Should I Boil My Water?

When should you boil water for your baby’s bottle? You should probably do this all the time, no matter what kind of water you use. That’s because no water is truly sterile, which means that some of them will have bacteria inside. While bacteria like these are often completely unnoticed by adults, it can affect babies adversely. No matter what the type of water you use, boiling might be the best idea at least during the first few months.

To provide your baby with the healthiest and cleanest water please call Eagle Industries Corp. (distributors of Eagle Water Treatment Systems) at 1-866-222-9308.

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